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Devico Rig Alignment Tools

Devico alignment tools shorten the time needed to align a rig and mast to the target azimuth and inclination for the boring. DeviAligner PDF   DeviSight PDF

DeviAligner Tool


The DeviAligner helps the drill operator align the rig and mast to the target azimuth and inclination for a boring.

The north-seeking, gyro-based DeviAligner is not affected by magnetics and works at both surface and underground sites. It is ideal for high precision jobs where there are multiple angles to be drilled.

A rugged Android Smartphone displays live measurement data from the DeviAligner.

The app can import a list of planned targets and align accordingly. When alignment is achieved a report may be exported for QA. The starting azimuth can be reviewed and verified at the drill site.


DeviAligner on site


DeviSight Tool


DeviSight is non-magnetic GPS compass for surface alignment applications. It records azimuth, latitude, longitude, inclination, roll, date, and time.

The DeviSight is used where the angle of the borehole is constant. The dip angle is measured using a protractor.

A rugged smartphone (Android or iOS) connects to the DeviSight’s onboard application and is used to initialize, activate, display results from the DeviSight.

The starting azimuth can be reviewed and verified at the drill site showing exact position and direction.


DeviSight on site


Operation Overview

The Aligner is strapped to the drill rod or header. It transmits its azimuth and inclination measurements to a Bluetooth readout. Watching the readout, the operator manipulates the mast until values from the Aligner match the target azimuth and inclination. The Aligner is removed before drilling starts.