Merrimack Bridge
![merrimack-bridge360x250 Merrimack Bridge](
MassDOT rehabilitated the Merrimack River Bridge, strengthening the superstructure and mitigating scour around the bridge piers.
![commeau-bridge360x250 Comeau Bridge](
GEO placed an automated total station (AMTS) on the nearby Comeau bridge to monitor the stability of the piers of the Merrimack bridge.
![Comeau Bridge AMTS Comeau Bridge AMTS](
The AMTS measures angles and distances to prisms installed on the piers and transmitted the data to a GeoCloud website.
![boat-merrimack-bridge boat-merrimack-bridge](
GEO technicians installed prisms and crackmeters on each pier, along with underwater hydrophones connected to automated vibration monitors. All instruments are powered by batteries and solar panels.
![prism-on-pier-350 L-bar prism on bridge pier](
Prisms are used with the AMTS to monitor X, Y, and Z displacements. AVMs will monitor vibration levels during installation of sheet piles.
![Comeau Bridge AMTS Comeau Bridge AMTS](
Another view of the AMTS on Comeau Bridge. The blue box houses a controller, power supply, batteries, and communications equipment.