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Geobotica GeoLidar

Geobotica GeoLidar is a smart LiDAR system developed specifically for monitoring ground deformation and subsidence. Datasheet

Geobotica GeoLidar

GeoLidar uses a combination of rapid scanning and artificial intelligence to remove people, vegetation, moving vehicles, and other noise from its high-precision scans, allowing deformation and subsidence to be monitored with millimeter precision.

Unique Features

Rapid Scanning Technology: Rapid scanning allows moving objects to be identified and eliminated from the point cloud. GeoLidar takes just three seconds to capture 600,000 data points from a 70° x 70° field of view.

Progressive Mapping: With the smearing effects of motion removed, the system can map the point cloud to the surface. Successive scans fill in areas that were blocked by traffic, pedestrians, and parked cars.

Settlement Calculations: With the surface map completed, the system can track the thousands of points making up the map, calculating settlement or deformation for each point with sub-millimeter resolution at shorter ranges and millimeter-scale resolution at longer ranges. All processing is done on-board the GeoLidar in real time.

Supporting Sensors: A built-in tiltmeter eliminates the need for leveling. A GNSS receiver provides a level of geo-spatial context to the data, and a 12 Megapixel camera contributes time-lapse photos.

Cloud Connectivity: Monitoring results are sent automatically to the cloud via a 4G/LTE link.

On-Site Configuration: A built-in WiFi hotspot allows smartphones or tablets to configure, start/stop, or reset the scanner.

Benefit Short List: Rapid deployment, no traffic control needed, no reflectors or prisms needed on the road surface, safer and more reliable monitoring, results presented as easily understood heat maps and tabulated data.

GeoLidar uses successive scans to remove traffic

Traffic obstructs monitoring points on the road surface. This normally prevents adequate surface mapping.

Geobotica GeoLidar

GeoLidar's rapid scanning and mapping technology eliminates moving traffic from the scan in real time.

GeoLidar heatmap with graph

After each scan, GeoLidar outputs a file containing calculated settlements for every point in the point cloud. The file is compressed to 128 kB for easy cellular transmission to the internet. The GeoCloud Quickvew screenshot above shows a heat map, numeric values, and a plot from selected points.


Geobotica specializes in sensing solutions that use Radar, LiDAR, Computer Vision,
AI and Machine Learning